
Synthetic and natural agricultural chemicals include herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. They are used by all farmers, organic and conventional, and have led to affordable food in markets around the world. Almost any farm chemical can be harmful if the amount applied is high enough — the “dose makes the poison”. What level of exposure poses a genuine risk to humans and the environment? How can the public and the press assess the scientific credibility of corporate and environmental group campaign claims? We’ve assembled a growing collection of articles and commentaries to help sort science from misinformation.


A guide to the safety and efficacy of crop chemicals

Any discussion of crop chemicals must consider the broad sweep of agricultural history, the pivotal moments of technological innovation, and the diverging perspectives that have shaped the current debate around the use of agricultural chemicals and genetically modified (GM) and gene edited crops.



Preventative Weed Management

One of the most significant biological threats to successful field crop production is weeds. Sustainable soil seedbank management is key to weed prevention and improved crop competition with weeds.



Biomonitoring Fact Sheet

Biomonitoring measures if an individual or population is over-exposed to toxic chemicals.